
Sunday, June 17, 2012

How to Tell State Farm - DumpALEC

I found this blog entry tonight and it is almost a month old.

According to the blog - requests to State Farm to drop ALEC peaked in April. 
Here's how to start it again.

Heres the BLOG ENTRY - READ it carefully.  No snips - you really need to read the whole thing.
State Farm and ALEC
by: Iamaleftie
Sat May 26, 2012 at 22:22:26 PM CDT  

Note some items that the blogger ran into:
Be prepared to address the items like:

NCLS is a true bipartisan organization that does not allow corporations to write legislation at their meetings.  And as noted by the blogger - goes out of it's way to be nonpartian.

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) did not disband the SAFETY AND ELECTIONS Committee entirely - using an ALEC slight of hand, they moved the agenda items from that task force to other task forces as noted in the press by ALEC members.

The money that State Farm gives to ALEC in support of their operations can not be targeted to a specific area and thus is used to pay for every item that ALEC is pushing through as model legislation.

From the blog entry:
He revealed that SF was maintaining and reporting numbers to their leadership about all calls regarding ALEC.  The campaign exposing ALEC's role in state legislatures reached its peak in mid April. The media blitz has wound down, but my vexation with the company has not.

And that is why I give you this option - as presented in the Iamaleftie blog entry.

Of course - be polite.

Of course - make sure that he gets your message that their membership is not appreciated.

If you are insured by State Farm - be sure to note that and if you do not get the answers that you would like - at the end of the call, please ask him to refer you to another reputable insurance company (but make sure it's not another ALEC member!)

Have fun - be nice!

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