
Thursday, March 21, 2013

ALEC Legislators Want Their Privacy

The crap coming out of ALEC just keeps on getting more ridiculous.

On my Google search today I found this:
in response to requests by public sector members 
of the American Legislative Exchange Council.

ALEC legislators requested this report.
ALEC legislators specifically asked for this report.

The general public did not ask for this report.
The general public did not ask their ALEC legislators, to ask for this report.
ALEC legislators - requested this report.

The name of the new ALEC Report??????
The name of the new ALEC Report requested by ALEC legislators??????

Abuse and Misuse of Personal Information

The first line of the
second paragraph of the report
ends with the phrase
How do we protect our privacy?

American Legislative Exchange Council legislators concerned about protecting their privacy.
Why in the hell
am I not surprised.
A fourteen page report - requested by ALEC legislators - on protecting their privacy.

They hired someone to write a report for guidelines for protecting privacy.
ALEC legislators requested this report.

Then they dumped it on the web - as a warning to people like me???
Yeh - there's veiled threats in that report that ALEC legislators requested on protecting privacy - what could be done, what should be done, blah - blah - blah - - - screw 'em.

Bunch of f#cking hypocrites, those ALEC legislators. 
ALEC talks about transparency all the time- hah!
Evidently the ALEC requirement for transparency only applies to other people who don't belong to a secret society.
Evidently the ALEC requirement for transparency only applies to the peons of the world - the general public, who don't have corporations stuffing $$$ in their pockets.
Evidently the ALEC requirement for transparency only applies to government agencies that ALEC wants to destroy.
ALEC legislators - a bunch of f#cking hypocrites.  

Evidently, what is/was "ALEC secret" must remain "ALEC secret" forevermore.
ALEC legislators requested this report.

I can't figure out why they had to spend extra dollars to produce this crappy little 14 page report - all they had to do was ask the KKK for their report on how to keep things secret in the digital age - I'm sure the KKK would have given it to ALEC for free.

Proving again
Secrecy is the best policy.

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