
Friday, July 12, 2013

Emery (ALEC-MO) - Produces ALEC Propaganda Piece

Emery has been associated with the birther movement and became well known in Missouri government circles after his House special committee issued a report which blamed Missouri’s immigration problems on abortion (if all of those babies had not been aborted, Emery reasoned, there would be no jobs available for anyone coming from another country).

He has also been outspoken in his opposition to Obamacare, has likened public education (he was homeschooled and homeschooled his children) to a “pipeline to prison,

In particular, Emery loves the Second Amendment. It’s not there for quail hunting, Emery told the friendly Tea Party-type gathering. It’s not there so people can protect themselves from their neighbors.

“We need guns to be protected from the tyranny of government” Emery said to a loud outburst of spontaneous applause.

Rep.Ed Emery, R-Lamar,  now a candidate for State Senate. Emery headed a committee that came to the startling conclusion that all of the state’s illegal immigration problems could be solved by eliminating abortion, since abortion was severely cutting back on our available workers

Ed Emery, right-wing extremist – proud member of the American Legislative Exchange Council – not only comes to ALEC’s defense this morning – but also proves to all – that you no longer have to be a sitting member of a legislature to belong to ALEC.

Some snips from his biased, partisan, propaganda piece on ALEC.

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is an association of state legislatures that “seeks to advance the fundamental principles of free-market enterprise,   

By intentionally and artificially manipulating the free market using ALEC legislation written by ALEC Corporate members.

an association like ALEC is invaluable in assisting state legislators by assembling the private and public expertise that can effectively identify and clarify even the most complex issues.

ALEC teaches ALEC legislators the invaluable skill of plagiarism – copy/paste corporate written legislation – passed from state to state to state because ALEC corporations want it so – to gut the “complex issues facing ALEC corporations – like regulations, labor  

ALEC is organized into eight task forces that assemble three or more times each year to evaluate the issues critical to the day.

That get together to review legislation written by corporate lawyers, brought to ALEC meetings by Corporate lobbyists and handed off to ALEC legislators to introduce on behalf of the corporations in state houses across the US.

These national task forces     and serve as clearinghouses of information on free-market policies in the states.”

By intentionally and artificially manipulating the free market using ALEC legislation written by ALEC Corporate members.

If you are trying to keep up with state government and have an impact on Missouri public policy, I encourage you to visit the ALEC website. I serve on the Tax and Fiscal Policy Task Force, but served on the Communications and Technology Task Force during my years as a state representative.

I no longer am in the legislature.
I am running for Senate.
I have no official capacity in the government.
But - I still belong to and am a mouthpiece for the corporate-funded ALEC.

Missouri has a representation on each of the task forces, and our involvement ensures that Missouri’s interests and perspectives are a part of every deliberation.

That’s really too bad – so sad for ALEC corporate controlled Missouri. 

I hope you approve.
We don’t.
The USA is NOT OK with ALEC.

The ALEC legislator member meditation for today

To our ALEC lobbyists members
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with a passion put to use.

Looking forward to seeing you, being with you, and private meetings with you, in Chicago for the ALEC annual lobbyists meeting, August 7 - 9 at the Palmer Hotel.

Hugs and kisses
ooo - xxx

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