
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Republicans - Its all About Them

A little under 100 days until the midterm elections and what do we know?
The Republicans have made it clear – it’s all about them - they will not compromise on anything – it’s their way or the highway - to hell with anyone else.
The Republicans have made it clear – it’s all about them - they support the wealthy and tax cuts for the wealthy and to hell with everyone else.
The Republicans have made it clear – it’s all about them - they will continue to block anything that is not on “their agenda” -  to hell with everyone else.
The Republicans have made it clear – it’s all about them - they will repeal everything that is not on “their agenda”  - to hell with anyone else.
No compromise – it’s all about them – no other voice(s) in this country exist or need to be heard– except the Republicans  - to hell with anyone else.

I found this quote on a web page about a year ago and it made me think:
“Wake up America – Republicans are uncaring, unpatriotic and marching down the path of destroying the United States.”

In my opinion they have a point
– but may be missing the main point of current Republican (and Tea Party) behavior.  
 I’m just thinking  that you need to look at the Republican behavior from a new and different “Republican paradigm”.

So what does the “Republican paradigm” look like?

Republicans are caring people – they care about Republicans, specifically rich Republicans.  I would even question if they care for the “tired, poor, huddled masses” Republicans.

Republicans are patriotic – in fact in their minds they probably believe they are the only true patriots.  This is their country and only Republicans have the right to claim “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

Republicans are not trying to destroy the United States. They probably believe that this was written for them and only for them. 
“When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them,…” 
– they are trying to destroy everyone and everything that is not Republican. 

It’s very possible that in their warped sense of reality, they believe that the “Republican States of America” shall prevail.
Then the Republicans can re-write the Pledge of Allegiance.
I pledge allegiance to the swag
of the Republican States of America and
to our republic for which it stands, one nation,
under our God, with liberty and justice for us.

They can change the country’s motto to read
In the Republicans God we trust.

The Republican motto may have become:
Love the Republican Party, love thyself –
hate everyone else and hate everything else
because no one else matters and nothing else matters
except the Republican Party of America; God bless us one and all.

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