
Thursday, February 20, 2014

There is NO Evidence Kirk Dillard quit ALEC.

An update to my post yesterday

Want to get this on the search engines.
Dillard's letter is a sham - another piece of misleading information handed out to the press and public -  by a member of the American Legislative Exchange Council - evidently, they can't tell the truth, unless a lobbyist is buying them something - yes sir, anything you want sir.

Dillard did NOT quit ALEC
He resigned as Public Sector Chair.
That's it - he resigned as state head honcho.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

IEA Bankrolls ALECer Dillard. Shame on You.

What's worse than a republican?  
An ALEC pro-corporate, "free market" loving republican

Meet Kirk Dillard
Civil Justice

Civil Justice Task Force
Task Force Chair
    Illinois State Senator Kirk Dillard
Private Sector Chairman
    Victor Schwartz, Crowell & Moring

1996 – ALEC Kudos
Illinois Senator Kirk Dillard sponsored landmark legislation in 1995 that has served as a model for comprehensive tort reform in other states

Tiberi was part of a group of legislators at a focus meeting on tort reform at ALEC's 1995 National Orientation Conference who gathered to listen to Dillard and other experts teach the how-to's of tort reform.

Dillard was truly the trailblazer on the cutting edge

ALEC Task Force
Chairs and Private Sector Chairs
   Senator Kirk Dillard, Illinois
   Victor Schwartz, Esq, Crowell & Moring


2007 States and Nation Policy Summit Report
Civil Justice
Illinois State Sen. Kirk Dillard will be discussing Illinois as an example of attempts by the personal injury bar to unreasonably expand liability rules.

Civil Justice Taskforce

Kirk Dillard - ALEC expenses and reimbursements

Report Date Mtg Date Amount Type
Jul-00 May-00  $    575.00 Annual Meeting

1-Jul 1-Apr  $    625.00 Annual Meeting
2-Jan 1-Dec  $    287.75 Conference and Transfer Fee

2-Feb  $   (100.00) Reimbursement - Mileage/Parking

2-Jul 2-Mar  $    625.00 Annual Meeting

2-May  $   (265.00) Meeting Reimbursement

2-Jun  $(2,013.50) Annual Meeting Lodging & Travel

2-Nov  $(2,000.00) Orlando Meeting 2002

4-Feb 3-Apr  $    625.00 Annual Meeting
4-Jul 3-Nov  $    275.00 Winter Meeting

4-Aug 4-Apr  $    775.00 Annual Meeting

4-Jul  $   (417.00) Meeting Reimbursement

5-Jul 5-Jun  $ 1,450.00 Annual Meeting

5-Aug  $(1,000.00) Meeting Reimbursement - Dallas

5-Oct  $(2,000.00) Meeting Reimbursement - Dallas

6-Aug 6-Jan  $    100.00 Two Year Membership
6-Aug 6-Apr  $    750.00 Conference Refistration
7-Jan 6-Oct  $    275.00 Conference Fees

2006  $(1,897.28) ALECExposed Junkets - Meeting Scholarship

7-Jul 7-Mar  $    100.00 Conference Fees / Dues
7-Jul 7-May  $    250.00 Conference Registration

8-Jul 8-May  $    250.00 Conference Registration
9-Jan 8-Jul  $    750.00 Annual Conference
9-Jan 8-Jul  $    300.00 Dues
9-Jan 8-Dec  $    300.00 Conference Fees

2008  $(1,835.20) ALECExposed Junkets - Meeting Scholarship

10-Jan 9-May  $    350.00 Conference Registration
10-Jan 9-Jul  $    950.00 Annual Conference

10-Jul 10-May  $    510.00 Conference Fees
11-Jan 10-Aug  $    650.00 Conference Fees

12-Aug 11-Aug  $    175.00 Conference Fees
12-Aug 11-Sep  $    100.00 Fee

12-Aug 12-Jun  $    625.00 Meeting Registration

13-Apr 13-Jan  $    250.00 Dues
13-Apr 13-Feb  $    150.00 Meeting Registration
13-Oct 13-May  $    625.00 Registration

Meet Kirk Dillard 
Why was it necessary for you to meet Kirk Dillard?
Well - because of a story that I read this last week.

A union - the Illinois Education Association - endorsing ALECer Kirk Dillard.
The IEA recommendation of Sen. Kirk Dillard for the Republican nomination for governor has made big news statewide.

The outcome of the Democratic Primary for governor is not in question. We can make a difference in the Republican race if our members, Republicans, Democrats and Independents, vote for Kirk Dillard.

The recommendation of Sen. Dillard is only for the Primary.
So the IEA - which evidently had sh#tloads of money and lots of lots of extra people to put feet to the ground - is backing an ALECer.
And vote for him - yes! vote for an ALECer.  They are so pro-union.
If you are going to vote Republican - vote for an ALECer - hell yes!
What a crock!
Is Sen. Dillard a member of ALEC?

No. ALEC is notoriously slow to remove legislators from their roster, but Sen. Dillard resigned from ALEC last year. We’ve seen his letter of resignation. We have spoken frankly with him about ALEC and the group’s education work. Sen. Dillard told us that his emphasis while serving as ALEC Illinois Chair was on pro-business legislation, not education.
    Quit just in time to run for the governors race?
    Member since 1994
    Been more active in the last 5 years than ever before
    ALEC updated their state chairs webpage on February 4th.
    Dillards name is still on the state chair webpage
    Is Dillard calling the ALEC staff - sloths?
    If he's not an ALECer anymore - will he be introducing legislation
       to repeal evil ALEC legislation.
    He's pro-business - - have any of you yahoo's over at IEA heard the phrase
        privatization of education?
UPDATE - next day
Dillard did NOT quit ALEC
He resigned as Public Sector Chair.
That's it - he resigned as state head honcho.
Told ya it was bullsht.
The sad part of this f#cking fiasco is that:
    ALEC wants to destroy the unions because they back Dems.
ALEC is doing the nuclear option on unions across the US
and a union is endorsing an ALEC member.
    ALEC better change that song and dance - cause
The IEA, which represents teachers outside Chicago, endorsed Dillard for governor four years ago, but he came up short by 193 votes to state Sen. Bill Brady of Bloomington. The union gave Dillard’s campaign $250,000 along with a cadre of political foot soldiers.
Dillard voted against the state’s new law changing Illinois’ public employee pensions, a measure that aims to close a $100 billion unfunded liability within the next 30 years. The endorsement is a setback for state Treasurer Dan Rutherford, who also opposed the new law and contended unions should have had a voice in drafting a reform bill.
A quarter of a million dollars - on a loser
Are you kidding me?
Boots on the ground - for a loser
Are you kidding me?

Then why isn't IEA endoring and bank-rolling Rutherford - if they are supposedly funding a loser - or maybe they think he might win.

IEA claims they back both Republican and Democratic candidates.
ALEC is doing the nuclear option on unions across the US
If the unions keep this up - I'll be a supporter of the American Legislative Exchange Council vile Paycheck Protection Act.

When it comes to Republicans:

What's worse than a republican?  
An ALEC pro-corporate, "free market" loving republican

ALEC 1995-State Sovereignty: The Next American Revolution

Really makes you wonder who was invited to this meeting
AND if they are still on the path of destruction

National Leadership Summit
Three Days
To plan the Next Revolution?

The American Legislative Exchange Council - pure evil - creating a path of destruction for US politics since their first meeting.

ALEC legislators are delusional and 
must be removed from office 
- by your vote!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Jesse Helms on the Convening of ALEC Meeting #1


Mr. President, later this month a bipartisan group of conservative State legislators from across the country will meet in Chicago at a conference of the newly formed American Legislative Exchange Council- These legislators are uniting to try to reverse the trend toward greater and greater centralization of power in Washington. They will try to revitalize our Federal system by strengthening State government. The Federal Government, in their view, and mine, is not only too far re- moved from—and insensitive to—the problems of education, taxation, welfare reform, crime, et al.; these legislators are convinced, and I agree, that the Federal Government is the cause, all too often, of the very problems which the States are called upon to solve. Worse, Federal bureaucracy too often discourages action by the States and local governments. But reversing the present flow of authority and power toward Washington, D.C., will not likely be accomplished by action at the Federal level. It is the exception, rather than the rule, when any level of government readily relinquishes even a part of its authority. It is demonstrable that governmental powers have a momentum all their own. Thomas Jefferson is credited with the precept that the government is best which governs least. I wholeheartedly concur. I do not believe that the cradle- to-grave paternalism of the modem welfare state was in the minds of our Founding Fathers when they conceived the American Republic. It is not from lack of compassion that conservatives favor limited government, but from the deep-seated fear of the abuse of power. Surely, in this century, that fear has been borne out. It is no cliche to say that a government big enough to give us any- thing we want is big enough to take away everything we have.

Therefore, it seems obvious that decentralization of government is the most fundamental and urgent task before us today. If ever reform was needed in our public institutions, it is now; and the way to achieve it is by the reversal of the trend toward big brother government.

Through a conservative legislative initiative, the American Legislative Ex- change Council hopes to galvanize our State governments into reclaiming for themselves the prerogatives and responsibilities that were once theirs. This type of initiative and enthusiasm is sorely needed at the State and local level to keep our Republic from sinking into the swamps of economic and moral stagnation. I wish these fine State legislators every success.

Mr. President. I ask unanimous con- sent that the “Statement of Purpose” of the American Legislative Exchange Council be presented in the Extensions of Remarks.

There being no objection, the Statement of Purpose was ordered to be printed in the Record, as follows: American Legislative Exchange Council Statement of Purpose

We, as conservative legislators, believe that the unique American Federal system re- quires close cooperation and consultation among Members of Legislatures In the several States, and Members of Congress. That belief springs from a conservative philosophical premise that nothing should be undertaken by a higher echelon of government which can be accomplished by a lower echelon and that individual freedom demands strict limitations on the power of all levels of government.

We further believe that State governments are vital to the continued success of our Federal Union and that the genius of our Constitution is summed up in the primary clause which delegates residual powers to the States and to the people in those spheres not specifically delegated to the national government.

We therefore establish the American Legislative Exchange Council:
1. To assist conservative legislators In the States and In the Congress by sharing re- search information and staff support facilities.
2. To establish a clearinghouse for conservative bills at the State legislature level and to provide for a bill exchange program.
3. To disseminate model conservative legislation In all fifty State legislatures and among several thousand legislators. Also, to promote the introduction of companion bills in Congress and in the States, including resolutions on amendments to the Constitution and State resolutions which memorialize the Congress to act in specific areas.
4. To improve communication between conservative State legislators and Members of Congress.
5. To formulate conservative action pro- grams and legislative initiatives which will help to promote federalism by strengthening the position of State governments and to define conservative positions on intergovernmental relations.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

ALEC Yanks the Chain of Another Media Source

A newspaper gave ALEC a pass when evidently ALEC rebutted an editorial.
The newspaper didn't question it - just posted it - which is a disservice to everyone who read that newspaper.
The squeaky wheel gets the grease and evidently can distort the truth in anyway they want to get exposure.

Doesn't take an idiot to read thru this
- but for those of you that are RW idiots or ALEC members
- lets clear this up for you.

The papers clarification 
An editorial Tuesday stated that the American Legislative Exchange Council is behind the effort to enact state laws that require welfare applicants to be tested for drug use, such as House Bill 1351, recently passed by the Indiana House.
An "editorial" is an opinion piece.
Evidently ALEC has to cover its back now -  even when people are only opining about them.
This is a really good sign that ALEC is possibly in really big trouble when it comes to ALEC pushing legislation the way they do and have done for decades..
According to Molly Fuhs, the organization’s manager of communications and media relations, the organization pushing that legislative concept is actually the Foundation for Government Accountability, a Naples, Fla.-based nonprofit advocacy group whose president, Tarren Bragdon, spoke on the benefits of Florida’s drug-testing law at an ALEC seminar in 2011. Christine Herrera, then director of ALEC’s Health and Human Services Task Force, was quoted by the FGA as endorsing the drug-testing-bill concept. Herrera is now senior fellow for the FGA.
Interesting thing here is again we have Molly Fuhrs speaking on behalf of ALEC - been awhile since PR Poobah Meierling has taken the reins to kill bad publicity.  Are things going sour for him at ALEC?

Foundation for Government Accountability - a right wing think tank.
Offered the legislation to ALEC legislators at an ALEC meeting in November of 2011.  Copy /paste bill mill legislation which ALEC is famous for.
ALEC didn't stop it - ALEC pushed it to their legislative members.
And -  Christine Herrera, then director of ALEC’s Health and Human Services Task Force - ENDORSED it to the ALEC legislative members.

What in the hell did ALEC think their ALEC legislative members were going to do with legislation introduced at an ALEC meeting and endorsed by the director of the HHS committee - forgetabout it?  Don't think so.
ALEC headquarters is  a bunch of a$$wipes.
ALEC legislators are just a bunch of evil nastiness.

Oh, BTW -
Christie Herrera is senior fellow at the Foundation for Government Accountability (FGA).
No longer at ALEC - musta been a good meeting in November 2011.

ALEC got caught
ALEC doesn't like getting caught
ALEC “does not have any model policies – nor ever did – relating to drug testing of welfare recipients,” Fuhs said. The concept is “not something that we support or advocate.”
ALEC distorts the truth to the media - cause they can get away with it.
The mainstream media is too damn dumb to realize ALEC is yanking their chain.

The moral of the story is
ALEC the IT doesn't do a thing

Legislators who belong to the American Legislative Exchange Council are totally responsible for the evil legislation 
that is spreading across the US.
ALEC legislators MUST be removed from office.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Will KC ALEC Protest - Be A Closed Shop Event?

I can't help wondering if the folks in Missouri are going to have an open house party for the Kansas City ALEC meeting in May - or a closed shop party for the ALEC meeting in May.

Why would I wonder that?
Well for the ALEC meeting in December - the notice for the protest went out two days in advance of the protest.

Coming from out of state - I couldn't drop everything and be in Washington DC in two days.
Coming from out of state - I couldn't justify flying into Washington DC and hoping someone had planned to do a protest.
It was a closed shop protest.

I can't help thinking that the people who are currently controlling the dialogue about ALEC  - only want their people around - they want to carefully control the messaging of the protestors.

I don't think they want the independents involved.
I don't think they want the kids involved, or their voices heard - all that yelling and shouting and pushing doesn't look good on camera.  ( I enjoy being with the kids and blackshirts, but that's just me - I use to be one of them, I cherish their passion.)
I don't think they want anyone involved that doesn't fit their image of what they want an ALEC protestor to look like.

And they control who is there at the protest - when they only pre-advertise the protest to "their" people.

When there is an ALEC protest
   We need voices,  lots of voices - different voices.
   We need faces,  lots of faces - different faces.
We need to let the American Legislative Exchange Council know that a lot of different people are not okay with our legislators being ALEC members.

Democracy in action?

A closed shop protest?
This is not what Democracy looks like.

ALEC is an IT - ALEC Legislators Are the Problem

Saw this on Twitter.

ALEC is an IT 
ALEC spokeswoman Molly Fuhs explained ... . “We do not advocate for anything.” 
ALEC legislators R the real problem.

ALEC legislators R the real problem.
ALEC legislators R the real problem.

Until people really, truly understand that the meetings of the American Legislative Exchange Council are nothing more than a flea market where lobbyists can buy a malleable, ignorant, hicktown state legislator - nothing meaningful can happen in fixing our political system.

and ALEC implodes

Thursday, February 6, 2014

ALEC Mission Has Lost Focus

We are currently watching the implosion of the RepubliCONS at a national level as the Tea Party factions tears the party apart.
One thing any group needs is cohesion and cooperation among its members.
Another thing any group needs is a purpose and mission that is coherent and consistent.
Those things are not happening for the RepubliCONS at the national level and ALEC may be beginning to experience the same thing.

This entry is just one example - other examples include ALEC members who are at each others throats - like Cantor and Boehner - - - or Enzi and Cheney - - there's more, lots more.
But it isn't just one on one battles that erupting inside ALEC - there may be the start of a mission / purpose backlash against ALEC by its own members, as ALEC repeatedly vacillates on what it's public mission will really be - flip-flopping on a regular basis, on which  of the ALEC pushed legislation it supports or no longer supports, based on the tone of the press.  Mixed messages to members does not build cohesion or cooperation.

One example  - ALECs 
Equal State’s Enfranchisement Act,
to eviscerate the 17th Amendment.

November 24, 2013
The conservative business group ALEC, meanwhile, also wants to undermine the 17th Amendment through what it calls the "Equal State's Enfranchisement Act:"

In an agenda for a December meeting posted on ALEC’s website, one of the items up for review is language for a bill, called the Equal State’s Enfranchisement Act, that would allow state legislatures to add a candidate’s name to the ballot for a U.S. senate seat, along with the names of those nominated by voters.

And there was no announcement prior to the meeting that ALEC had removed this vile legislation from its agenda.
ALEC published it as an agenda item - it was worth time at an ALEC meeting to introduce this legislation an discuss this legislation.

And ALEC didn't remove it from the agenda – the internal discussions went ahead as planned with the TaskForce Director stating:
    ALEC Director of International and Federal Relations Karla Jones insists that the proposed model legislation is not a step toward getting rid of the 17th Amendment.

    “Actually, the people on my task force that support it see it more as a way to preserve the good parts of the 17th Amendment,” Jones said. “Because the reason that the 17th Amendment came into being, there were states that weren’t being represented with senators, because state legislatures weren’t sending in their nominees. So it’s a way to preserve that, while at the same time giving state legislatures a voice in the process, which the constitutional founders originally thought they should have. [The] state legislatures have been cut out of that process, unlike what the founders originally intended. So it’s … sort of a compromise measure, where you preserve the positive aspects of the 17th Amendment, while having the state legislatures have the role that the Constitution originally intended.”

ALEC published it  
ALEC discussed it in detail before the December meeting in Washington DC
ALEC included it in the December agenda as a legitimate item for ALEC member discussion.

wait a minute
ALEC is like Minnesota weather – just give it a minute and everything can and will change.

It just takes a minute before the ALEC home office pulls the rug out from under the compliant ALEC legislators.

January 19, 2014
Wilhelm Meierling, senior director for public affairs of ALEC, said the leaked documents were draft proposals introduced during the organization's August 2013 meeting.

"It was not adopted. It does not exist," he said. "... We're a volunteer-led, volunteer-driven organization. When the volunteers say this isn't the way we're going ... it gets shot down, and it did."

He said just because there is draft legislation doesn't mean ALEC supports it.

Before the December meeting, he said a liberal news source saw that one piece of draft policy was about the U.S. Constitution's 17th Amendment, which established the direct election of United States senators. Before it was adopted in 1913, senators were elected by the state legislatures.
Meierling said the draft proposal was introduced by an ALEC member.
And that member could have been ALECer Frank Niceley.
And if it was Niceley, the bill he brought to ALEC was crap - ALEC knew it was crap and they had their lawyers re-write it for the December meeting.
Cause you see - the bill proposed at the ALEC meeting looks nothing like the amateur bill written by Niceley.
"We're a volunteer-led, volunteer-driven organization, and if a legislator wants to have a discussion about something, they make that proposal and then the discussion takes place," he said. "The reality is that was a draft working document. We had our meeting, and it was not advanced out of committee. After it wasn't advanced out of committee, the board also said any resolution on the 17th Amendment has to do with elections, and we don't do elections."
"we don't do elections."
"we don't do elections."
But he said that didn't stop liberal news sources and blogs from saying that ALEC wants to get rid of the 17th Amendment.
ALEC published it  
ALEC discussed it in detail before the December meeting in Washington DC.
ALEC included it in the December agenda as a legitimate item for ALEC member discussion
ALEC discussed it at the December ALEC meeting
ALEC powers that be voted no at the December meeting

And it didn’t stop there.

ALEC's International Relations Task Force and Federal Relations Working Group endorsed the "Equal State's Enfranchisement Act" in December, at the group's policy summit in Washington, D.C.

But ALEC spokeswoman Molly Fuhs said this week that ultimately, the policy was not adopted.

"The ALEC Board of Legislators determined the model policy not germane to ALEC's mission of free markets, limited government and federalism," she said. "ALEC does not work on issues related to campaigns or elections, and therefore this model policy was outside of ALEC's scope."
"ALEC does not work on issues related to campaigns or elections,
"ALEC does not work on issues related to campaigns or elections,

ALEC published it  
ALEC discussed it in detail before the December meeting in Washington DC.
ALEC included it in the December agenda as a legitimate item for ALEC member discussion
ALEC discussed it at the December ALEC meeting
ALEC powers that be voted no at the December meeting
ALEC PR repeated - twice -  in the month following the meeting that the ALEC powers that be voted no at the December meeting

BUT - 
February 05, 2014
A number of Republican politicians and are calling for repeal of the 17th Amendment. Ratified in 1913, it gave voters the power to elect U.S. senators directly.

Before that, senators were generally selected by state legislatures. Returning that authority to the states would give them much more sway in Washington, restoring their role as a check on federal expansion, repeal supporters say.

Enter ALECer Frank Nicely
Niceley introduced a much rougher version of the ALEC bill in Tennessee earlier in 2013.
It's a crappy bill - something that real part-time state legislator would write. 
It's a crappy bill - nothing like the refined ALEC copy/paste legislation introduced at the December ALEC meeting.
Indeed, the lineage of the 17th Amendment is something its critics hold against it. Frank Niceley, a Republican state senator in Tennessee, says 1913 was "an unlucky year for Americans," because it ushered in not only direct election of U.S. senators but the Federal Reserve and the income tax.

Niceley expects a vote next month on his bill to allow his state's Legislature to select the nominees of both major parties.
Now just a reminder from above:
ALEC Version
Equal State’s Enfranchisement Act, that would allow state legislatures to add a candidate’s name to the ballot
Niceley Version
bill to allow his state's Legislature to select the nominees of both major parties
but his bill is much more dangerous that ALEC's version and based on what I have found - he has made no attempt to refine/amend his bill. 

Doubt it.

ALEC states:
“we don't do elections."
"ALEC does not work on issues related to campaigns or elections,

But IF that is true:
WHY did-
    ALEC published it  
    ALEC discussed it in detail before the December meeting in Washington DC.
    ALEC included it in the December agenda as a legitimate item for ALEC member discussion
   ALEC discussed it at that meeting
    ALEC powers that be voted no at the December meeting
    ALEC repeated - twice -  in the month following the meeting
    that the ALEC powers that be voted no at the December meeting

It's actions don't support what ALEC states:
“we don't do elections."
"ALEC does not work on issues related to campaigns or elections,

And yet a rogue ALEC member will continue to push his version of this vile legislation - becausehecan
Vile legislation in Tennessee that will not be an promotable success - it will fail.

The extremist ultraconservative American Legislative Exchange Council is confused and has lost control of its purpose and mission.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

ALEC Continues Their Nasty Ways

I ran into an ALEC document today that was posted by DesSmog Blog and had not seen the light of day the way it should have.  The sad part about the doc is that the link opens up a PDF - that doesn't seem to be easily searchable via the web.  That limits the number of people who can actually find it and view it.

One thing that is in that PDF is reports from ALEC taskforce directors - where they brag about how many pieces of ALEC legislation has been pushed thru the states and a write-up on that is at Daily Kos.

The snips below are from a documentfrom the ALEC Annual meeting - which was held in August 2013 in Chicago.

What I would like to do is introduce you to some of the other things in that report that would go unnoticed.

 At Annual Meeting, the Task Force is releasing a new version of its
 Tort Reform Boot Camp Guide for State Legislators,
 now called Lawsuit Reform for Competitive State Economies.


During the 2012-2013 state legislative sessions, the Education Task Force followed legislation relating to several ALEC education model policies. Over 40 states introduced ALEC model legislation or model legislation closely resembling ALEC policy, most notably, Next Generation Tax credit Act, Parent Trigger, Virtual Public Schools, Charter Schools, and Special Needs Scholarship act.

 They are so proud of the fact  that they are destroying public education.

October 2011, We conducted our first international trip since 2008 taking a delegation of four public sector members to Manchester, UK to attend the Conservative Party Conference there.

Hope ALEC didn't sell this that they were representing the US.

I'm sure the State Department didn't monitor this. 

October 2011, We conducted our first international trip since 2008 taking a delegation of four public sector members to Manchester, UK to attend the Conservative Party Conference there. 'Last October we conducted an Oil Sands Academy in Alberta, Canada to explore the Keystone XL pipeline issue and Canada's oil sands as an inexpensive and secure energy source that will result in American jobs. Nine legislators from seven states participated, and the sponsors have already expressed an interest in  sponsoring a similar academy in late September 2013. The budget and proposal are currently being

 In relation to those trips:

Resolution in Support of the Keystone XL Pipeline or similarly worded resolutions have been introduced in at least seven states this year which has helped highlight state support for the project.

 You get what you pay for with ALEC.

We have been told by those involved in the negotiation process for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)that our work on ensuring that TPP remain gave negotiators the support they needed to remain steadfast on that commitment. We have had similar success with our efforts on ensuring a high quality intellectual property provision in TPP with op-eds authored by several of our members across the nation.

ALEC luvs the TPP

But ALEC corps do have TPP deal breakers – as noted by ALECer Bramble.
ALEC corps want exactly what they paid to get.

Justice Performance Project is currently submitting grant proposals and working to bring on new private sector members, specifically in the corrections and reentry area, specifically crime lab and GPS tracking areas.

ALEC legislation - again manipulating the free market to create new profit centers for ALEC corporations.

And I can't leave this one out!
ALEC said it - ALEC owns it.

 Private sector prospects and members have begun to understand the tremendous influence that our legislator members have on national and international policy in spite of having no official jurisdiction on this policy
 You could read that two ways

 “on this policy” could mean TPP
 “on this policy” could mean
 the legislators aren't in control - ALEC is.

 Your choice. 

The extremist, ultraconservative, pro-corporate American Legislative Exchange Council spreading their nastiness across the US and the world.

Think about it
the tremendous influence that our legislator members have