
Thursday, August 25, 2011

PLEASE - DO NOT re-elect Wayne Christian (R-TX)

He has been awarded throughout his career by many conservative organizations for that record, including the Torch of Freedom from the Young Conservatives of Texas, Hero of the Faith from Vision America, Fighter for Free Enterprise from the Texas Business Association, Man of the Year in Texas Agriculture from the Texas County Extension Service, and
_national Legislator of the Year from the American Legislative Exchange Council
AND  - Lookie here at all the ALEC related PAC money he has accepted.

If you don't know what ALEC is - you should - ALEC legislators are destroying representative government for the people across the United States.

For more information on ALEC –

And watch this news video  from North Carolina on how ALEC "model legislation" is going to screw the citizens of North Carolina - legislation introduced by ALEC legislators.

PLEASE support your Democractic candidate so they will defeat this candidate -boots to the ground - PLEASE!

A vote for an ALEC legislative candidate -
is a vote for greater pro-corporate representation and legislation  in your state,
is a vote against small and medium size business in your state,
is a vote against representative government for the people, and
is a vote against the very beliefs of the United States of America.

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