
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

There is No Printable Title for This

Saw this on the top of the ever evolving front page of Daily Kos and it pissed me off more than anything I have read in a long time.

Here's some cheery news to take your mind off the fiscal cliff curb. The Chicago Sun-Times reported on Saturday: 
    WASHINGTON--President Barack Obama is urging the Illinois General Assembly to legalize gay marriage in his home state as lawmakers are poised to take up the measure as early as this week in Springfield.

    "While the president does not weigh in on every measure being considered by state legislatures, he believes in treating everyone fairly and equally, with dignity and respect," White House spokesman Shin Inouye told the Chicago Sun-Times on Saturday.

Well - it is evident Obama didn't weigh in on the labor issues in Wisconsin, Ohio and Michigan.

Which brings this statement into question
believes in treating everyone fairly and equally, with dignity and respect,

Guess that solidifies his stance on the labor movement.
Be cheery - be happy - don't worry.

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