ALEC is Using its Political Clout to Silence Dissent, Group Says
WELL... ALEC is reportedly pulling strings behind the scenes to shut down dissent at its annual meeting this summer. The Alliance for a Better Utah, a Utah progressive group, reports that after it reserved space at the Little America Hotel in Salt Lake City for July 25-28 — the same hotel and dates where ALEC will hold its 2012 annual meeting — the hotel called back and canceled the group’s reservation. The Alliance for a Better Utah says ALEC is using its political clout to get the hotel to refuse to rent rooms to other groups it doesn’t like during its annual conference. A hotel spokeswoman would not comment on the pulled reservation.A room at the Little America Hotel in Salt Lake City
From PRWatch on Monday - May 6th
"We were shocked," said Debra Wojtek,communications director at the Oklahoma AFL-CIO, who planned the event. "We had a signed contract for that room, and thought that a contract was a contract. But apparently not for ALEC." Because ALEC didn't actually use the room after claiming a right to it, Wojtek said, the AFL-CIO is considering legal action against ALEC for interference with contract.
"If we let this go on for another forty years," he said, "next time they won’t just move us out of our room, they will kick us out of the whole building!"
The American Legislative Exchange Council - the gutless wonders!!! OK with hiding, privately behind closed doors with their corporate buddies - but not OK with sharing the world with others.
Ask yourself - When was the last time you heard of a group getting kicked out of a facility - cause another group didn't want them there. Twice - ALEC did it TWICE now.
Well - - - - I DON'T want ALEC here!
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